Ready to talk on a cell phone and send free SMS to keep an eye on consumption?
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tariff plans in the ?90s, which included only a few minutes or SMSs to numbers from network to current offers hundreds or even thousands of minutes of calls and SMS, local operators mobile phone are steps in more committed to a new model: subscriptions with unlimited voice and text messages to any domestic destination, the difference will be the speed and volume of data included.
local mobile operators have started testing the idea to launch a new range of subscriptions ? including calls and unlimited SMS to any national, move that companies seek to protect their income and possible profit margins while defending and the threat of online rivals like Skype or WhatsApp, which offers customers communication alternative to traditional SMS and voice calls.
made before local mobile operators
preparation of this transition occurred in July this year when Samsung ? number three local mobile market ? launch the first of its kind subscription market with unlimited calls to any destination. Four months later and Orange telecom market leader, announced a series of changes in offer subscriptions where the keyword was ?unlimited? ? but only for certain services. Vodafone, the second player in the local mobile market, did not currently visible steps in this direction, but there is also the strategy group at a time could be applied in Romania. RCS & RDS, the youngest player in the local mobile market does not have a mobile subscription of this type, but the operator claims that in future the market will migrate to this tariff plans where unlimited access to voice and SMS will be offered for a fixed amount.
subscriptions with unlimited resources released so far and what operators have announced plans
Cosmote launched July 1 subscription local mobile market which includes unlimited calls to any national communications network ? fixed or mobile ? at a rate of 31 euros per month (including VAT). ?No Limit tariff plan offers customers unlimited voice communication (national and international minutes in zone 1 network minutes, video call minutes and minutes to the Romtelecom network) communication unlimited messaging (SMS and MMS Network ) and 500 MB data traffic. No Limit is available at 31 euros (VAT included) for residential customers, both new ones and existing ones eligible to renew the contract for a contract period of 12 months, until August 9, 2012 ?Samsung officials emphasizing that date.
?launched a bid (?) for the first time in Romania telecom market. This gives customers the ability to communicate as much as they want, no matter which channel prefer ? voice, text, images or Internet,? said at the time Panos Makris, chief commercial officer, Cosmote Romania. The company has not reported so far results have been launched this tariff plan.
discrete step in the same direction ? the operator looks to test market reaction ? was made this week and market leader, Orange ? which launched a new offer for subscription by the company puts in the foreground not hundreds minutes or SMSs they can get customers but unlimited access to a range of services ? from SMS network and outside network to the Internet or music service Deezer.
unlimited services vary depending on the value of the subscription, which from unlimited SMS for Orange subscriptions worth less and reaching unlimited internet access, mobile TV and music service Deezer tariff plans in May expensive.
?The package including subscription, phone compatible with subscription resources and unlimited number of benefits, we wanted to offer our customers holidays more freedom of communication, simplicity and flexibility, ?said Julien Ducarroz, business to consumer chief commercial officer.
Changes in demand
Orange Dolphin tariff plans targeted, Kangaroo and Panther. Dolphin subscription customers ? the cheapest ? they ?got? unlimited SMS network, while subscriptions customers ?Kangaroo? ? which is on a higher tier tariff ? have received unlimited SMS to any national network. Customers most expensive subscriptions ? Panther range ? received unlimited internet access, mobile TV services and online music service Deezer, which provides access to over 20 million songs.
the Vodafone group there is a strategy to launch in some markets subscriptions with unlimited voice and SMS, said in a meeting with analysts and investors Vittorio Colao, chief executive of mobile.
What is the reason for operators to launch such tariff plans? ?Providing customers with subscriptions unlimited voice and SMS reduce threats from over-the-top players (who provide Internet services), because once you unlimited voice and unlimited SMS, there is a huge advantage for use applications such as WhatsApp or Skype. proposal is a very valuable from our customers that simplifies life (?), ?said Vittorio Colao. Customers, says the head of Vodafone, would be able to choose between subscriptions with unlimited voice and SMS without a subsidized phone ? in which case the price will be lower, and such subscriptions plus a subsidized phone ? in which case the rate will be higher, depending on the selected handset. In addition to this option ? to choose or not a subsidized phone ? the main differentiator between tariff plans will be linked to access to mobile internet and cloud. ?All subscriptions include unlimited calls and unlimited SMS, but mobile internet packages will be different from each other, because there will be different levels of use and differences in the speed data services and access to cloud services? said Vittorio Colao.
company RCS & RDS, the local market leader TV and internet service fixed, but the smallest player in the local mobile market has currently produced only unlimited landline calls, but estimated that the same will happen and mobile segment.
?We believe that the Internet is the future. need to create products that voice calls are included in a product with a fixed, because from now on will move Internet voice,? Valentine said recently Popoviciu Development Director operator. RCS & RDS offers such a product landline subscribers, who can call on any network unlimited national fixed for a subscription of 2.5 euro per month.
big question about these new offers will however be linked to rates that will be offered to customers in Romania and to what extent the market will accept and will migrate to this model.
premise is not necessarily optimistic: a Romanian pays on average 5-6 per month for TV services and about 7 euros per month for mobile services. A mobile subscriber pays an average of 13-14 euros per month, while a user is allocated monthly prepay less than 5 euros.
Instead, Cosmote launched tariff plan with unlimited calls to any national network, which does not include unlimited national SMS and has a price of 31 euros. As the first plan of its kind in Romania, COSMOTE tariff plan automatically becomes the reference for landing operators could also launch subscriptions with unlimited voice and SMS ? then the question arises, given the purchasing power of Romanians to what extent there is a consistent group of users ready to step into such a ?scheme?.
What would be the target group for this type of membership, given tier tariff of around 30 euros per month? A Gallup survey published late last year found that approximately 6% of consumer customers of mobile services amounts paid monthly pass ? 100-150 per month. With regard to companies, they pay an average of about 25 subscription per month per user, according to the same source.
At the end of last year in Romania there were 4.78 million individual subscribers to mobile services, which had 6.42 million SIM cards and 740,000 subscribers to the same service firms, which had 2.94 million of senses .
But the price of subscriptions and speed with which these deals will appear on the market depends to a large extent will decrease the pace at which mobile interconnection rates, from 3.07 cents, as they are today. Percentage decrease and the range in which it will be operated will be decided by the Regulatory Authority for Communications of Romania (ANCOM). Consultations on this subject is still in its infancy.
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