I am Nilani Ramachandran, student of Kingston University. I am writing this report for the module called Technology and Change. The leader of this module is Mr. Graham Alsop. I have chosen the topic called Technology makes sharing music, films and software easy and free. First of all, I would like to thank my course leader Mr. Graham Alsop, who gave me the opportunity to write this report for the module Technology and Change. Then I am proud to thank the author's who gave me a lot of information of their books and finally I am really honored, that I was able to use the electronic resources, which helped quite a lot to finish my report successfully.
Executive Summary
This report clearly explains about the moral and legal implications of the technology such as sharing files, music, videos and the software's in the computer network through the internet. It is quite easy and free over the internet. Some of the file sharing such as music activities and downloading copyright materials are illegal. Those activities break the computer law.
File sharing mostly shares the files over the internet using the computer Technology such as LAN is called Peer to Peer technology, WAN Technology and Etc.
Legal and the moral implications are mainly based on the computer law which all the users have to follow when using the copyright materials. Download the copyright software are illegal without software venders permission. Most of the computer hackers are providing free software's in the internet but when we download it, the virus and threats also automatically comes to our computers.
Literature Review
This chapter considers mainly of the literature review about file sharing, hackers and etc. Computer system uses storage devices, such as disks, USB pen drive and removal disks to hold large volume of data. From the computer user's point of view, the data on a disk appears to reside named files that are called folders and directories. In most of the computer systems, the files are separated in variable sizes. It can be small or large. Researches began using the ARPNET. They realized that computer network could be used to share the resources, transfer a copy of files from the disk on t he computer. They devised software to perform the user's task. This is called as file transfer. This can be worked with the help of FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP can be used to download large amount of files. Most of the computer users access FTP via browser.
File transfer protocol obtain a copy of a file from a remote system. Most of the users download files such as music, data, videos, documents without any permission. FTP allows transfer a file the proper authentication. FTP will not allow users to download files without authentication. This helps to protect the file from the hackers. FTP session asks the users to login into the system by entering the username and password. The users can only access the files after login in to the system.
A server that provides public file, access honors the special login anonymous and password guests. FTP restricts the user's access to files that have been declared by the public, even if other files exist.
A remote FTP service asks each user for authorization by prompting for a login identifier and password. To obtain access to public files, a user should enter anonymous login and guest password.
Mostly, FTP allows users to use the client/server approach. Mainly, most of the computer users use TCP/IP as the transmission protocol.
Files transfer became popular in the internet around 2002. File transfer called as file sharing such as videos, software, audios and etc. most of the programs such as applications are shared for users. So, computer users can reduce the cost and resources. For an example, if two servers each had digital music stored on their computer, it would be easy to swap copies. If user A has a song and user B has another song, it could be trivial to exchange of each song copies. So, each user can access for both list. This is called sharing.
A copyright materials downloading is illegal. Most of the computer users download software, audio, video etc. illegally. Complete strangers are participating in file sharing schemes with digital music and videos. These are the most popular items that are been exchanged.
Internet was designed as peer to peer network in which any computer can communicate. It relies on communication among arbitrary computers. File sharing is basically called peer to peer application and has allowed the internet spawn new application easily.
File sharing is basically called a peer to peer application because arbitrary computers participate in transferring copies of files. Unfortunately, file sharing is often used for the illegal transfer of copyrighted materials.
The liability issue was highlighted by Napsters rapid to popularity. Mainly because of the focus on Mp3 music files and the fact that users wanted to swap and collect any music files.
- Users allowed others to download Mp3 files on their system.
- Users could freely download Mp3 files from millions of other users.
- Most Mp3 files were recordings were recordings made from somebody's CD (a copy of a commercial song).
Plan of work
Peer to Peer Networking
In all network system the computers are same. A large number of computers are connected in a network and all computers can communicate with each computer. So each computer in the internet is related to peer to peer technology.
Multimedia can be described as text, graphics, images, videos and sounds. This is a format of bits and bytes. This can be called as data.
Mp3 (Audio)
This is one of the formats used to encode and decode audio. Mp3 is most popular for recording music such as sounds.
This is a collection of networks and routers in the use of TCP/IP network. Mainly routers are the main heart of the internet to route the destination and source computers.
It is basically used to refer to a programmer of exceptional ability. It can be referred to miscreants who break into computer legal and ethical implications. All of the computer users use firewall and antivirus software to protect from hackers.
File server
This is a server running mainly file storage program in the high configuration computers. Main objective is to transfer files and data such as files, audio, documents, videos and texts.
This is the process to protect from hackers. This is the method used to change the format from the original information.
Originally, technology means the type of method used to design the computer network to perform the task. According the current market technology it can be vary.
File sharing is the basic activity such as digitally store information's and Data's in the computer programs, multimedia (audio and video), documents, or electronic books. File sharing can be implemented in a variety of storage, transmission and distribution models. Mainly sharing called manual sharing such as transmission in a removal storage device, another one is to transmit data's from the centralized dedicated servers such as database server, web server, and file server.
Literature review is clearly explained vastly about the legal and moral implications of file sharing, downloading Videos, Music and software's. Mainly there are three types of technologies in the computer world. Peer to Peer, Client/Server and the Hybrid. Peer-to-peer is a one of the best network has the same capabilities and responsibilities. This is totally different from the client/server architectures and the hybrid architecture. Client/server and hybrid which, some computers are dedicated to serving to each workstation. Peer-to-peer networks are usually simpler but they usually do not recommend the same performance under heavy loads.
File sharing is actually a simple and easy method in the peer to peer technology. Peer to peer is an easy and not experienced in the computer world. Files are simply called data. It carries out through the internet with the help of the technology. The legal and the ethical issues raised by file sharing technology can be complex even within supposedly well-controlled, cooperate LAN environments.
Developing a peer to peer network to show content in variably opens at least the potential risk that computer users can transfer and the legal sharing activities. Peer to peer technology makes the process fast, easy, transparent, reliable and difficult to hack from hackers. Another aspect is reducing the performance of the sharing files are virus and threats. Some of the computer hackers develop malware, virus and threats which will be spreading all over the internet. This input reduces the performance and hacks the copyright software illegally.
The legal exposures of big companies host the servers from outside service providers. They can share all resources from the servers. So every user can access from the server. They have to use this service with the legal manner too. If they fail to follow their privacy and policy then it is called illegal. Company hosting a file sharing is network is unclear and probably it depends on both policies and control structures. It is mostly familiar for public users. Large numbers of companies have their own privacies and policies to use their resources. But most of the website providers release their files free and easy.
Some of the providers allow transferring the music files over the internet with some basic terms and conditions. Some of them allow downloading without any of the terms and conditions.
The people, who are developing or providing software for the distributed networks that, lack a central of server. Several interesting client implementations being developed have been already abounded in response to such threats.
Nowadays Broadband connection such Wi-Fi, WiMax Bluetooth is most common and new technologies. These technologies are working fast, reliable and very user friendly. For an example, if we want to transfer on music file from one mobile to another mobile, it takes only few minutes. The new technology becoming fast and fast to perform the task such as file sharing, download music and etc.
This chapter explains about the summary of this report and some basic ideas about me.
File sharing, such as software, videos and music is a basic task in the computer world. Without file sharing it would be difficult to perform the task in the computer world. Sharing is an easy way in the computer networking. It is easy and free in the computer world with the manner legally.
Peer to Peer technology is basically the best method of sharing over the internet. Simply peer to peer is called sharing or transferring files, software, videos or audio from one computer to another computer. It can be within the LAN or it can be WAN with the help of TCP/IP.
Downloading a music file is illegal without the authentication of website managers. Most of the hackers do it illegally and it is against the law. The legal aspect of downloading is to get the authentication from the website managers or the server. Then only we can download.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server to share the resources from the centralized dedicated servers.FTP allows users to download or transfer from the server with the authentication.
Users require username and password to login to the server. Then only they can allow transferring or downloading a file. This is the high security task to protect from the hackers.
- Tom Forester and Perry Morrision, 1990, Computer Ethics, Oxford, Basil Blackwell Ltd.
- Herman T. Tavani, 2007, Ethics & Technology, Second Edition, USA, Bruce Spatz
- Douglas E. Comer, 2007, The Internet Book, Fourth Edition, USA
- Bo Leuf, 2002, Peer to Peer Collaboration and Sharing over the Internet, Boston, Addison- Wesley
- 29th DEC 2009/ 9.30pm
- 29th DEC 2009/ 9.35pm
- 29th Dec 2009/ 10.00 pm

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