Saturday, October 26, 2013

Here Are The Top 5 ‘YesPlease, MoreThankYou’ Moments From ‘Say Hello…’ Last Night’s Episode Of ‘Scandal’

Gladiators, the postpartum Scandal recaps are officially underway! I type this with the most attractive human being in the universe strapped in my Boba Wrap (shouts out to PITNBr Pamela), and it’s all very surreal. Speaking of surreal… last night’s episode though? So much weirdness popping off, right? Lisa Kudrow showed up out of nowhere (we knew she was coming, but still– I was totally surprised), Olivia showed her softer side (AKA the side of her that is scurred shizz-less of her Dad), and Jake is seriously, for real back in the building?! What’s really good with this season right now? Click inside for more!

On the one hand, this episode was kind of hilarious, right? First, the Gladiators had a new client in the sexting Senator who we all know was a shouts-out to the one and only Anthony Weiner. This guy was soooo the worst with all his sext buddies reading all his ridiculous sexts aloud in a court of law. Madness.

Then we had this really interesting storyline that involves Huck, Jake, Papa COMMAND, and that dude Huck totally killed last week. We still don’t know all of the details, but that Operation Remington stuff is at the center and I’m very curious to find out what exactly went down, why that dude had to die, and what the President has to do with all of it. In the meantime, let’s get to drama from last night!

The Top 5 YesPlease, MoreThankYou Moments From ABC’s Scandal
Season 3, Episode 4: Say Hello To My Little Friend


1. Okay, Olivia’s Daddy Issues Are Getting Scary Now

Olivia was SO weird in this episode! I never in a million years thought I’d hear her say that she needed to look the other way, or walk away from a situation. Literally, the definition of Olivia Pope is never looking the other way or walking away from a situation that needs… situating, LOL. So when Jake came at her about her father and his involvement in pretty much everything awful, I was shocked to hear her say she wanted nothing to do with it. This is a def a side of Liv that we’ve never seen; it’s really sad and kinda scary, but something tells me she’s not gonna be able to turn a blind eye for long.

Quote It:

I need to be a good girl and go back to sunday dinners.


2. Quinn. Is. INTERESTED!!!

So Quinn‘s crazy ass follows Huck to his AA meeting, where he confesses to falling off the bandwagon and having some ‘whiskey’ AKA killing the shizz out of someone. But here’s the creepy part– Quinn was, like, DYING to know what went down, in a really messed up way! She kept pressing Huck to find out who he killed, but she tried to play it off like she was worried about him. Finally Huck flipped out on her (he gets really scary when he’s mad… right?) and was all, Bish please. YOU ARE INTERESTED! As in, don’t act like you want me to get this off my chest for me, when you’re a creepy little Baby Huck and you want to hear all the details because you get off on this shizz too. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again– I’m really scared to see how Quinn might turn out by the end of this season. Like. Really scared.

3. Oh, Hai Lisa Kudrow

Okay, I like where this storyline is going! Lisa Kudrow popped up in this episode as the disapproving Congresswoman Josephine Marcus, and it looks like she’s going to function as some political competition for Fitz. Cyrus had to get some dirt on her (after Mellie‘s big blunder), and it turns out that she was a teen mother who gave her baby up– of course this should make for some pretty juicy stuff next week.

4. Mellie & Fitz Have A Moment

Okay, this was a small moment, but I thought it was really interesting. So, Mellie made these really nasty comments about Congresswoman Marcus, and when they went public, Mellie had some ‘splaining to do. She made a public apology, but nothing could save her from the wrath of Cyrus (who’s steadily workin’ on his next heart attack– am I right?). But I loved, loved, loved this moment when Fitz defended her and told Cy to back the eff off. Did y’all see Mellie‘s face? She got all gooey-eyed for Fitz for, like, two whole seconds! And then she pulled away looking pissed. I think in that moment she realized that Fitz has this way of being there for her sometimes, but without being in love with her. Mellie is so damn tough! And I think it’s easy to forget that deep down, she probably really loves Fitz, and is much more torn up over his relationship with Liv than she lets on.

5. The Return Of Jolivia???

Awwwww shizz! It’s going down! Jake and Olivia cuddled up at the end of the episode and when they started making out I was all like Ummmmm why am I into this? LMAO! I love Olitz and I loved that moment when Fitz called her, but Liv kinda had a bad day and she deserved a make out session with a hot guy. Period. I mean, we all deserve that when we get bad news (i.e. our sexting client is innocent, but his wife is a damn killer).

Coupla questions: So, did the Senator’s wife lit’rally get away with murder? Is anyone else totally okay with Olivia making out with Jake? Can Abby & David make this happen or what? And finally, how hilarious was that scene between Cyrus and James?! Y’all know which one– James was straddling Cy in the bed, trying to get a quote, but it totally came off like he was tryna get something else… LMAO! Shonda, you slay me gurl.

Quote It:

Don’t knock a fried twinkie ’til you’ve tried one.

(Congresswoman Marcus)

Your father– he would slit your throat and drink your blood if he thought it would serve the Republic.


Are you wearing cowboy boots? This isn’t the Bush White House. We wear shoes.


Category: Darren Young   pga championship   Olivia Nuzzi  

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