The world is in turmil, people killing and people bringing the dead to life. Are you part of bringing life back, or are you taking it away? *OPEN*
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KILLERZARIC - Member for 0 years
I wonder why people always think the Reapers are the bad guys, and are demons...

DarkLancer - Member for 0 years
Lancer: True dat. It's the "ANGEL of Death" for a reason.

NewKidOnTheBlock - Member for 1 years
firstly, I don't think grim reapers are bad or devil (they are skelotons). They are very important because imagine a world with no death? :)

KILLERZARIC - Member for 0 years
definately will be making a character for this....after i finish some chores up...great idea
No Day But Today-RentWhen you don't want to feel, death can seem like a dream. But seeing death, really seeing it, makes dreaming about it f'in ridiculous. Maybe, there's a moment growing up when something peels back... Maybe, maybe, we look for secrets because we can't believe our minds...-Girl Interrupted

airedeiagrace - Member for 0 years
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